Friday, November 11, 2011

A date with a date

Make a wish - we have an auspicious moment at hand which would never come again!! Is that really so or do we tend to look too much into ? We have always given special importance for things which occur rarely or events which have an interesting pattern. The "tootatha taara"  or the falling star which often prompts our Bollywood actors to 'make a wish' is one such instance ( I wonder how many stars our directors have successfully brought down though !!).

Today we have both of them i.e a rare event and a interesting pattern - At the eleventh second after the eleventh minute and the eleventh hour we have a 12 digit palindrome - 11:11:11 on 11/11/11. So what's special - The new millennium has thrown many such mathematical numbers which were palindromes ? The palindrome at hand really stands out as it has the same number for all its digits and would only occur after 100 years. Hence, our only moment in life. (findings courtesy : Tom Meltzer)

Science doesn't play down our interest in the date either. It says that the human mind has an affinity for patterns and delights in finding them. So folks, we have more than one reason to take a note of this day which stands out. You could either make it memorable by hanging out with your friends and loved ones or make an event of your life memorable by planning it on this special day. Venues for social gatherings have had an increasing demand and were booked well in advance. People planning to get married off of late did feel that they would not have a better day to exchange rings. Interestingly, over a 1000 couples became man and wife in a mass marriage ceremony in China. Expectant mothers wished to give their babies an exceptional date of birth and the hospitals were queued up. I too would do my part in having this date go down my memory lane by making it a point to have this blog published at that moment (though I am not sure if I could be precise to the 11th second).

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