Thursday, December 8, 2011

Screech !!

I landed sitting upright after a somersault in the air. People ran in from around to check how well I had done the stunt. It took a while for me to figure out things in my mind and two things quickly called for attention : my bike and the guy who helped me have that leap.It was 6 AM and the city was just waking up. I was on my way to class when this man carelessly made use of half the road to make a casual U-turn and stumbled on seeing me approaching.

Everything happened so fast that the only thing I remember was sitting (after the land) with my hands over the head. I had travelled atleast 5-6 feet without my bike. People came upon to do the damage check and I got up with anger for the erratic man. I looked around for my footwear which had also flown across to the other side of the road with the impact. After glancing at the culprit, I began inspecting my bike which had minor scratches on the handle, a cracked speedometer and dented engine guard. It had just met with its maiden accident. The people around prompted me to first check myself. I had miraculously escaped with minor bruises. The Abercrombie Hoodie gifted by sis insulated my torso and the jeans played its part to minimise the bruises. The ripped gloves took the friction and protected my palms. But still it was miraculous for the fall I had - Thank you Lord for your grace !!

What followed was a series of interactions with people and I had to miss my class. I dragged Sabharish out of his sleep to help me in conversing with the people and he helped settle things.

Drive slower is what you would always conclude/realise at the end of the day and it definitely helps to have a steady head over your shoulders, but then the fact remains - Accidents are Accidental !!

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