Monday, October 23, 2006

The dawn of a new day

A SIGHT TO BEHOLD: The morning sun lights up the sagging spirit.

GITAM: The myriad golden rays emanating from the rising sun, which seems reluctant to leave the horizon, serves a mute siren to the paddling silhouettes, set off for yet another venture into the sea. The medley of the grayish black clouds against the backdrop of the sky holding the crescent moon and sparsely scattered stars appear waiting for their metamorphosis. The chirping birds seem to give an ovation to this aesthetic harmony of the nature or perhaps due to their bafflement at the paradoxical panorama of the sun and moon's coexistence. The veteran mountains stand gravely with an air of nonchalance, presiding over the proceedings. Peering through the window of our vehicle at the Marina beach in the wee hours, I stole a glimpse of this breathtaking landscape, which seemed to bear a significance. I visualized myself sailing towards the dawn of a new day leaving behind the waning darkness of the previous night. The abating darkness implied the receding days of college life - the golden days of one's life. The juvenile life spent with mirth and enjoyment. But emerging through the fading darkness comes a new phase of life with challenges to face and responsibilities to fulfil. On the threshold of a new facet of life I stand ready to confront the world with its multifariousness. The environment around me would metamorphose from college to office, books to files in accordance with the transfiguring clouds.

The joyous birds signified my friends and well-wishers, elated at my eventful voyage and the grave mountains represented my teaching personnel bidding me an adieu. The sudden screeching of our car brought me back from my thoughts and I felt nostalgic for being far off from my alma mater.

*****Please find below the link to the e-version of this article published in THE HINDU*****

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