Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dare Devils

There were quite a few testing times in our brief sojourn in the campus - Situations where we felt subdued and wronged. We always had two paths to choose from. One was to bend our heads and let destiny take its course; perhaps the easier one. The other was to stand undaunted and condemn the atrocity unanimously; which we did.

Two such prominent instances which deserve being recorded are the T-shirts issue and the Boycott of the Mid term exam.

  • With whose permission?? No character!! Call your parents….

These chidings were showered on one of us for the crime of wearing a T-shirt when no rule of GITAM forbade us from doing so. The person concerned was not permitted to write mid exam even. This incident made us reflect upon and we decided that we were not going to keep mum.

For the very next mid, all of us (boys) turned up in T-shirts with an intension to proclaim that we were not to stay quiet when our rights were curbed. The unity with which we raised our voice against this injustice made the department think over the lecturers’ stand and he eventually had to take a back step.

  • Machine design was the second mid exam of our 3rd year first semester. We, as a class had decided to boycott this exam for a common cause of the entire engineering students.

It was a non-cooperative movement against the management, for the weird notice which was sent stating
that we had to pay Rs 50 for each day that we were absent.

Not bothering about the internal marks we stood ready to sacrifice the remaining mid exams unless the notice
was annulled. There were 60 of us standing for the cause of 1600. Once again our unity forced the management to yield and all the fines were cancelled.

Cheers to our unity!!!

(Excerpt from Reminiscences - Our Slam book in final year of Engg) 

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